- Cards Against Humanity For Kids
- Not Parent Approved Rules
- Not Parent Approved Reviews
- Not Parent Approved Card Game Review
- Not Parent Approved Rules
- Not Parent Approved Rules
Not Parent Approved is committed to providing each customer with the highest standard of customer service. Have a question for Not Parent Approved? Get Not Parent Approved on Amazon here: Our rating: 8 Planning a sleepover with all of your friends and you want to expload from laughter? Than Not Parent Approved is the game for you! Not Parent Approved is basically the kids version of Cards Against Humanity and it is super funny!
“This kind of game will stretch your mind, and your social skills, in unusual directions.”
-Christopher Charbis, Game ON Columnist at The Wall Street Journal
“Yes to this game. I have teenagers and a nine-year-old and the things they love to do together before this game is nothing. BUT they will all happily sit down and play this game together for hours.”
-Heather D. Brooks, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer
Not Parent Approved is an “inappropriately appropriate” card game meant to be an appealing old-fashioned diversion from screen culture for kids 8 and up. But like its adult-inspiration, Cards Against Humanity, it’s filled with gross humor and absurdity, all in a kid-friendly package. Get Not Parent Approved on Amazon here: Our rating: 8 Planning a sleepover with all of your friends and you want to expload from laughter? Coin master bonus spin. Than Not Parent Approved is the game for you! Not Parent Approved is basically the kids version of Cards Against Humanity and it is super funny! Don't forget to subscribe at not to like about a game that boasts being “not parent approved” and yet for us parents offer.
“I love Cards Against Humanity and was excited to see a version for kids. My kids took an immediate liking to it and now I can watch more Game of Thrones on Saturday nights. Win-win.”
-Hugh W., Five-Star Amazon Reviewer
“So great to see my kids’ eyeballs again!”
-Jen Levinson, Founder of Jen’s List: The Mom’s Guide to What’s Hot, Blogger at Momipedia, Mom to 5 boys
“Brought this to Thanksgiving this year and had three generations in stitches for several hours.”
-Katherine C. Murphy, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer
“Not Parent Approved secretly teaches social skills like hiding medicine inside candy.”
-Matthew Lieberman, Phd, Author of Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect
Cards Against Humanity For Kids
“I have never heard my kids laugh so much!”
-NYJAY, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer
“I want to be called the Burp Boss all the time!”
-Sydney, Age 10
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“Oh, and my kids’ favorite part? Deciding who goes first; as per the official Not Parent Approved rules, this is determined by hosting a burp-off.”
-Liz Gumbinner, Editor-In-Chief, Cool Mom Picks
“I could not stop laughing.”
-Grandma Mary
An inappropriately appropriate family game that makes kids wanna unplug. “Like hiding medicine inside candy.” See your kid’s eyeballs again!
Get the New Video Game's
Expansion Pack Now!
Made for tweens and young teens.

A hilarious game where awkward = fun!
Tap into inner-zaniness and showcase creative wordplay.
Not Parent Approved Rules

Christopher Charbis, Game On, WSJ
Gambling free games. “This kind of game will stretch your mind, and your social skills, in unusual directions.”
-Christopher Charbis, Game ON Columnist at The Wall Street Journal
Heather D. Brooks
“Yes to this game. I have teenagers and a nine-year-old and the things they love to do together before this game is nothing. BUT they will all happily sit down and play this game together for hours.”
-Heather D. Brooks, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer
Hugh W.
“I love Cards Against Humanity and was excited to see a version for kids. My kids took an immediate liking to it and now I can watch more Game of Thrones on Saturday nights. Win-win.”
-Hugh W., Five-Star Amazon Reviewer
Not Parent Approved Reviews

Jen Levinson
“So great to see my kids’ eyeballs again!”
-Jen Levinson, Founder of Jen’s List: The Mom’s Guide to What’s Hot, Blogger at Momipedia, Mom to 5 boys
Katherine C. Murphy
“Brought this to Thanksgiving this year and had three generations in stitches for several hours.”
-Katherine C. Murphy, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer
Matthew Lieberman
“Not Parent Approved secretly teaches social skills like hiding medicine inside candy.”
-Matthew Lieberman, Phd, Author of Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect
Now burping in Canada!
Dear Fellow Mischief Makers- We’re excited to announce that we’ve begun our international expansion, starting with our awesome neighbor, Canada! Every week we get numerous inquiries about international availability and it kills us softly each time we are unable to deliver for our fans.
Not Parent Approved Card Game Review
Not Parent Approved featured by YouTubers Fouriefamcam!
FourieFamCam reviewed Not Parent Approved on YouTube.
Not Parent Approved Rules
35 gifts that every 12-year- old under the sun will completely love
Not Parent Approved Rules
Finding a gift for tweens can be super tricky. On one hand, the 12-year-old in your life has totally outgrown toys meant for kiddos. However, trying to convince them that a product meant for adults is cool can be a Herculean feat.